Having different uses for things increases its worth and makes it even more worth buying. This is a great tip for people trying to be frugal. Look for items that have many other uses besides its main use or most mainstream use. A great item for this is the common household pantry item, Vinegar. Vinegar is most commonly used in culinary practices and food preparation. The main ingredient of vinegar is acetic acid, which has a pH of around 2.4 and is derived from fermenting ethanol. This is the wonder compound that gives vinegar its many uses, as well as its pungent and sour odor and taste. There are over 20 different varieties of vinegar to choose from, including apple cider vinegar, white distilled vinegar, malt vinegar, red wine vinegar, etc., some more useful than the others.

Besides food and culinary purposes vinegar can be used in many other ways including health benefits:
What are the health uses of vinegar?
Besides food and culinary purposes vinegar can be used in many other ways including health benefits:
What are the health uses of vinegar?
- Use white vinegar on a tissue to place on a recently acquired sunburn. The vinegar allows the skin to be cooled and restores its acidity lost from the burn.
- Ingesting vinegar of any variety has reported benefits of lowering cholesterol of the blood serum as well as lowering risk of ischemic heart disease. Study 1 Study 2
- Eating vinegar with other foods can decrease the glycemic index of foods high in carbohydrates. This can be used to control blood glucose in non-diabetics and keep those who are diabetic at normal levels. Link to Study
- Vinegar has been shown to lower the response of insulin and glucose in the body, therefore suppressing our hunger. This can a good weight loss tactic for those trying to lose wight. Try drinking a small amount of Apple Cider Vinegar each day before meals. Link to Study.
- Some take small cap-fulls of vinegar each day, specifically apple cider vinegar. It is believed to support the immune system due to the weak acid properties of acetic acid being an anti-microbial. It is not recommended to take dosages of vinegar for long term usages.
- Vinegar can be used to treat lice. The acidic properties of vinegar may kill lice in human hair.
- Vinegar may lessen or deactivate the poisons and effects brought on by a jelly-fish sting.
- Brush your teeth with white distilled vinegar to eliminate bad breath. This needs to be done only once every week or so.
- Treat minor cuts and scrapes with white distilled vinegar.
- The addition of vinegar can improve digestion and improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals with your meal.
- Use white distilled vinegar to clean surfaces of your home such as counters, refrigerators, tables, microwaves, etc. The acidity will act as an anti-microbial as well.
- Remove grease from a grill or oven.
- Clean smelly food containers and tupperware with vinegar to remove the smell.
- Clean tarnished metals such as copper and brass.
- Remove a sticker, label or price tag, with vinegar.
- Clean tile floors in the kitchen and bathroom (as well as porcelain) safely without harsh chemicals.
- Certain stains in fabrics like clothing, carpets, etc may be removed by having vinegar set in it for awhile. Let white distilled vinegar set in a stain for an hour and try to wipe the stain clean with a towel.
- Remove paint from unwanted surfaces with vinegar.
- Do you have paintbrushes that are hard, firm, and crusty from oil paint? Soak them in vinegar to loosen it up and make the cleaning process easier.
- Small children and pets have a tendency to urinate in places that are difficult to clean. Use a clear vinegar such as distilled white vinegar to rid of the smells of human or pet urine on mattresses, sheets, blankets, couches, carpets, etc.
- Rather than soaking in tomato sauce after a skunk spray, spray affected locations with a diluted mix of water and vinegar.
- Use distilled vinegar to kill the fleas of pets.
- Use vinegar to rid of gum stuck to unwanted surfaces.
- Keep ants away by laying down vinegar.
- Kill mold and grime from home surfaces. The acidity of vinegar will kill the mold. This is a much safer solution than using harmful chemicals or even bleach.
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