Make Your Own Homemade Deodorant

There are plenty of recipes for making your own concoction of deodorant out there on the internet. Doing things yourself is fun, saves money, and you can make it any scent you'd like! The best recipe that worked for me was using:

  • Cornstarch (1/4 of a cup)

  • Baking Soda (1/4 of a cup)

  • A half teaspoon of your favorite scented oil. It could be any scented oil you wish. This is where the fun comes. I love having Cinnamon scented deodorant myself.  Tea-Tree oil works the best in this case however, because it is the best antibacterial.

  • A tablespoon or more of coconut oil.

Begin by mixing the cornstarch and baking soda together with the oil(s) that you have chosen. After it is well mixed, add the coconut oil in increments until that is at a consistency you feel fit for yourself. Once it is a consistency that you prefer, you can shape your deodorant which ever way you prefer as well. It will have an odd feeling at first because the cornstarch needs a chance to harden before it can feel normal. Put it in the heat or dehydrate the deodorant to your liking. Use your better judgement to tell when it is done. You have homemade deodorant!
